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Handcent Next SMS on Android

File size
32 Mb


Handcent Next SMS is an application for sending SMS and MMS messages, developed for the Android operating system family. In comparison with standard solutions, it has much richer capabilities and flexible settings: both in terms of technical solutions and user interface customization. The application is regularly updated.


Date added
Update Date
License Freeware
Compatibility Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x, Android 14.x
Supported languages English, Russian


Pros and Cons

  • Enhanced functionality
  • Ability to automate many distribution processes
  • Intuitive interface
  • High speed performance
  • Most functions require authorization in the Handcent Online service
  • Almost every button has a large number of settings that are not necessary for the average user
  • Some functions have very limited documentation
  • There is no iOS version

More about Handcent Next SMS

Unlike most standard solutions, the application has:

  • Backup.
  • "Behind the wheel" mode.
  • Smart message blocking.
  • Autoforwarding.
  • Mailing schedule.
  • Template creation.
  • Trash for SMS recovery.
  • Wide customization options.

Almost all additional functions require creating a free Handcent Online account.

Backup allows you to create a complete copy of received and stored messages on your device. In case of replacing your smartphone, all records can be restored.

Behind the wheel mode offers setting a silent mode for receiving SMS (unlike the general "Do Not Disturb" mode, it does not affect other applications and, for example, calls), creating a quick reply template, or setting an automatic reply when receiving a text message.

Smart blocking is a function based on cloud blacklists whose numbers are loaded by users. When activated, you can choose to receive notifications for SMS from suspicious numbers. Here you can also create a "White list" of trusted numbers.

Autoforwarding allows you to set up message forwarding to another number. You can select the type of forwarded messages and set the time when the function will work.

Autoforwarding has additional advanced functionality: remote control of the recipient's phone. To use it, the Handcent Next SMS application must be installed on both smartphones and authorization in the proprietary service must be completed.

In the mailing scheduler, you can set the date and time of sending or configure cyclic sending on specific days of the week.

The template editor supports formatting, so the recipient will see their name or other verified data when receiving the message.

The trash allows you not to worry about information being permanently lost due to accidental deletion.

It should be noted that the trash automatically deletes messages that have been stored in it for over 30 days.

The application offers wide customization options: color scheme, font size, settings for lists and chat windows. You can configure an automatically added signature and prefix to the text. Additionally, there is the option to choose a separate notification sound for the application and configure the type of security lock (separate graphical key or PIN code).

The application is suitable for users who want to have additional automation options for both receiving and sending messages. Others may appreciate the customization features, smart spam blocking, and advanced autoresponder. However, both groups will definitely appreciate the speed and smooth operation of the application.

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