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Flickr on Android

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Flickr, Inc.
29 Mb


The official Flickr app for Android allows convenient management of various photos. This program enables users to upload their own photos to the storage of their choice at any time. Additionally, it allows for photo editing and sending them to other users directly from their mobile device.


Date added
Update Date
License Freeware
Compatibility Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x, Android 14.x
Supported languages English, Russian


Pros and Cons

  • Convenient and useful photo editing features are available.
  • There is a community of photographers.
  • With the Flickr application, it is possible to free up space on your own hard drive.
  • Simplified sharing of large files.
  • Convenient backup is provided in case something happens to your computer.
  • The program is useful for regular users who want to organize photos into groups.
  • There are two levels of cloud storage: free or paid option Flickr Pro. With a free account, users can upload and store up to 1000 photos in full resolution. If you decide to make your photos public, Flickr Pro will also allow you to access advanced statistics of your photos, which can be useful for professional photographers.
  • Possibility to edit uploaded photos. Several different settings are available: brightness, contrast, filters.
  • Possibility to add text to the images.
  • Thanks to Flickr, it is possible to collect all selected photos into one continuous stream.
  • Photos can be filtered by shooting date or upload date.
  • Possibility to upload and organize various photos.
  • With the Flickr application, it is very easy to upload various photos at the same time.
  • Insufficient information about application security.
  • The application is more secure for collaborative use.

More about Flickr

The mobile application Flickr for Android has a unique interface. When logging into an account, solid photos are presented as the background. The main screen of the application also looks different. The main screen displays a two-dimensional matrix of contact photos. Each horizontal strip contains photos from a contact. The list of contacts is presented vertically.

The mentioned offer allows you to use free storage for photos. Its capacity is 1000 GB. All photos that are created automatically will be loaded into personal storage. 

Users have instant access to their own photos. The photos will be uploaded to the cloud. As a result, the memory of the mobile device will be cleared. At the same time, all necessary photos will be saved in the application.

Another important feature of Flickr is the ability to easily share your photos with family and friends. Photos can be managed using convenient gestures. They can be applied to a single photo or a group of photos.

Another feature of the Flickr application is the presence of a built-in photo editor. It allows you to crop photos, apply various filters and effects. As a result, an ordinary photo will become a true work of art.

In addition, users of this application have the opportunity to view photos of other users from around the world. Thus, the user becomes part of a million-person community with shared interests, and they can also invite friends. Together they can enjoy viewing works.

The Flickr application is equipped with simple and intuitive navigation:

  1. Clicking on any photo opens its viewing. Double-clicking on a photo opens the available actions on the screen for the user. These include: detailed information about the photo, comments, adding to favorites.
  2. The camera icon opens options for actions: taking a photo, uploading a photo, uploading an already prepared photo from the gallery.
  3. The settings icon (located in the upper left corner) opens the navigation menu, search, and management. The settings are quite simple. It is only necessary to specify options for uploading images, as well as, if necessary, specify saving location data when taking photos. It is also possible to enable or disable notifications for certain actions.
  4. The user's personal archive is located in their own account.

The menu of this application also includes functions such as sorting the matrix of photos by contacts, groups, and location, recent activity, and searching for friends.

By downloading the Flickr application for Android, users can store their photos in a reliable and secure storage. They also have instant access to them. The Flickr application is quite convenient and useful. Photos are uploaded quickly and do not lag. For Android users, it will be a convenient and useful companion.

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