How to hide last seen time on VK

VKontakte - the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. VK is constantly being updated by adding new features and possibilities. Many users are interested in how to hide their visit time on VK so that other people cannot see it. There are several ways to solve this problem. Let's analyze the most current ones at the moment.


Can you hide your visit time on VK?

You can use the social network VKontakte both from a personal computer and through mobile gadgets. In the desktop version, the visiting time is displayed at the top as "Visited today...", and in the mobile version as "Was today at...".

If a user is on a VK page and remains inactive for 5 minutes or more, the current visit session automatically ends and the corresponding information about the last visit date is displayed in the status.

As such, there is no specific function to hide this information on VK, neither in the desktop nor in the mobile version. However, there are solutions that allow you to visit a social network page in "Invisible" or "Eternal offline" mode.

Third-party clients for using VK

"Invisible" mode is a special function that allows you to use VK in a hidden mode. Other users will not see the actions performed by the user in this mode, and the status will display the last visit time.

Kate Mobile

Kate Mobile is a third-party application that is an alternative to the official VKontakte application. It supports all the main functions, including messaging and news feed viewing. Many articles on the internet contain information that the Kate Mobile application has an "Invisible" function and allows you to hide your visit time. This is partially true, but at the moment this function is not available due to privacy policy and the developer's request to disable it.

Due to this requirement, the developer of Kate Mobile has added a very strange function. After its activation, the user is technically "online", other users from the friends and subscribers list cannot see them, but at the same time, they cannot access any other functions of the social network. Essentially, the user is simply "hanging" on the page. The only situation in which this function can be useful is for watching movies or videos.

To activate it, you need to:

  • Click on the dropdown menu icon in the upper right corner of the application.
  • Select "Settings", go to the "Online - Invisible settings" section.
  • Click on the "Online" line and select the option "Stay offline whenever possible".


VK Messenger is the official mobile application for VK. As mentioned before, it also does not have a function to hide the visit time, but unlike the desktop version, it has an "Eternal offline" function. It can be set for a specific group of users or for the entire friends and followers list.

To activate "Eternal offline" in the VK mobile application, you will need to:

  1. Launch the application and click on the profile icon in the lower right corner.
  2. Go to the "Privacy" section through the lock-shaped icon.
  3. Select the "Who can see that I'm online" option, set it to "Everyone", "Friends and contacts", or any other option of your choice.

After activating the function, the selected group of users will see the status as "Was recently", and the user can freely use the social network.

"Eternal online" function for VK

As you may have understood, there is no 100% working method to hide the visit time on VK, but some extensions can help remove the infamous "Was today..." label.

These extensions are installed in the browser and work by refreshing the user's page every 5 minutes. This allows the status to display "online" all the time, as long as the PC is running. However, it should be noted that such extensions may lead to temporary or complete blocking of the account, as the actions taken on the VK page are done through third-party software. And this is prohibited by the platform's rules.

Examples of such extensions include:

  • VK Fox;
  • VFeed;
  • Сова ВК;
  • VK Life;
  • APIDog
  • and others.

We recommend downloading these extensions and programs only from developer websites and other trusted sources. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of your account, as scammers have long been using them for phishing. After installing a hacked program and entering personal information, the user loses access to their page. Be careful.

Deactivating your account on VK

Deactivating your account on VK for a certain period of time allows you to limit access to the page for other users. This way, they will not see information about the last visit to the page. Again, this is the most radical method that does not solve the problem but is rather a "crutch".

To delete your account on VKontakte, you need to:

  • Go to the page at "" and log in using your personal information.
  • Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner, then click on "Settings".
  • At the bottom of the settings window, click on "You can delete your profile".
  • After that, specify the reason and confirm the action.

To restore your profile, you will need to log in with the same information on VK and follow the platform's recovery procedure. It is not recommended to use this radical solution very often.

In this article, we have tried to gather all the known methods that help to hide the visit time on VKontakte in one way or another. There are no other solutions at the moment. However, in the network, you may come across solutions that supposedly help, but blindly trusting them is not advisable. Most often, these are scammers who want to gain access to users' personal information.

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