How to download a playlist from YouTube using SaveFrom

Youtube contains a wealth of useful content that can help in everyday life. Despite all the advantages of the video hosting, its significant drawback is the inability to download favorite videos and playlists to the computer. However, there is a solution to this problem. Let's take a closer look at how to download a video playlist using the special service SaveFrom.


What is the SaveFrom service?

SaveFrom is a specialized web service that allows you to download audio and video from various websites, including YouTube and VKontakte. The full list of supported resources can be found in the official FAQ at "".

The service offers tools such as:

  • web portal;
  • browser extensions;
  • utilities for smartphones.

In addition, the SaveFrom service can be embedded on your own website, allowing users to download videos and other media content directly from the site page.

How to install the SaveFrom extension

The SaveFrom extension can be installed in all popular browsers based on Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. The installation process depends on the specific browser, so let's look at this in more detail.

Google Chrome

The SaveFrom extension for Chrome is installed through two plugins. The first one is called OrangeMonkey. To install it, enter the plugin name in the search bar and go to the Chrome Web Store. Click the "Install" button in the upper right corner of the screen. Confirm the installation by clicking "Add extension".

The second plugin is Chameleon, which allows you to install Opera plugins in Google Chrome. It is downloaded and installed in the Chrome Web Store as well. We recommend using the second method. After installing the Chameleon plugin, click on its icon in the browser and select "Opera add-ons".

A new page will open, enter the search query "SaveFrom", go to " helper". On the extension page, click "Add to Chameleon" and wait for the installation to complete. After that, the SaveFrom extension will be added to the list of browser extensions.


In the Opera browser, click on the logo in the upper left corner, select the "Extensions" -> "Manage Extensions" section. An alternative method is to press the "Ctrl + Shift + E" keys, go to the "Add extensions" section on the left side.

The "Opera addons" page will open, enter the query "SaveFrom" in the search bar, go to the SaveFrom helper page. To install, click the "Add to Opera" button.

Yandex Browser

To install SaveFrom Helper in the Yandex browser, you will need to download the installation file from our website or from the page at "". On the page, click the corresponding button, and then click on the downloaded file in the upper left part of the browser.

The extension installer will open, click "Accept", check the Yandex.Browser checkbox, and click "Install". Wait for the installation process to complete, and at the very end, finish the installation by clicking "Done".

How to download a playlist using the SaveFrom extension

Downloading a playlist from YouTube through the SaveFrom web service is not possible. This can only be done through extensions, the installation of which we showed in the previous section. The interface of the SaveFrom helper extension is the same for all supported browsers, so the download instructions will be the same.

To download a playlist with videos, you need to:

  1. Go to the channel page on YouTube from which you plan to download.
  2. Click on the "Playlists" tab and select the desired playlist.
  3. Click on the extension icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select "Download playlist".
  4. A dialog box will open where you need to select the quality and click "Continue".
  5. Next, the extension will check access to all videos in the selected playlist.
  6. To finish, click "Continue" and confirm the download again.
  7. Wait for the videos to finish downloading.

The SaveFrom helper extension is the simplest and fastest way to download videos grouped in playlists. There are other solutions based on Windows programs, but in some programs, you will have to add links manually, while others require premium access. If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to ask them in the comments.

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