How to send text messages on WhatsApp for Android

To send text messages on WhatsApp for Android, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the app on your Android device.
  2. Select the contact you want to send a text message to by tapping on their name. You can also click on their photo.
  3. Enter the text message in the input field located at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click on the "Send" icon located to the right of the input field or use the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

The message will be sent to the recipient. You can also send such messages to group chats by selecting the desired group from the corresponding list. Additionally, WhatsApp supports text formatting and emoji.


Formatting Text in WhatsApp

WhatsApp supports several ways of formatting text, allowing you to make messages more expressive and readable.

  • Bold text. To make text bold, you need to enclose it in * symbols before and after the word or sentence.
  • Italic text. To make text italic, you need to enclose it in _ symbols before and after the word or sentence.
  • Strikethrough text. To make text strikethrough, you need to enclose it in ~ symbols before and after the word or sentence.
  • Monospace text. To make text monospace (all letters have the same width), you need to enclose it in ` symbols before and after the word or sentence.
  • Quoting. To quote text, you need to enclose it in > symbols before and after the word or sentence.

You can combine these functions.

Text formatting functions can also be used in group chats to emphasize the messages of individual chat participants.

Adding Emojis in WhatsApp

WhatsApp offers a wide selection of emojis (smileys) that can help express emotions and moods.

To add emojis:

  1. Open the WhatsApp application and select a contact or group chat to which you want to send a message.
  2. Tap on the smiley icon next to the text input field to open the emoji panel.
  3. Select an emoji from the list by clicking on it or enter its name in the search bar to find a specific smiley.
  4. Tap on the "Send" button next to the text input field to send the message with the selected emoji.

In addition, WhatsApp also provides sets of stickers that can be used instead of or in addition to emojis. To find and apply them, tap on the smiley icon next to the text input field, then go to the "Stickers" tab.

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